Tuesday 31 January 2017

MKT 515 Week 5 Midterm Exam – Strayer NEW

MKT 515 Week 5 Midterm Exam – Strayer NEW

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Chapter 1 Through 8

Chapter 1

Multiple Choice

1.      In global business, products have been traded across borders throughout recorded civilizations, extending back beyond the ________________ that once connected 
East with West.

     a. The Marco Polo Road
     b. The Roman Road
     c. The Pioneer Road
     d. The International Road
     e. The Silk Road

2.      The Silk Road once helped connect:

     a. Turkey to Rome.
     b. Iran to Rome.
     c. Bombay to Rome.
     d. Beijing to Rome.
     e. Xian to Rome.

3. Saturation of domestic markets in the industrialized parts of the world has forced many companies to look for marketing opportunities beyond their _______________.

     a. local borders.
     b. national borders.
     c. regional borders.
     d. Complex borders.
     e. transnational borders.

4. ____________ revolution has brought profound changes in the world.

     a. Wal-Mart
     b. CNN
     c. MTV
     d. Internet
     e. Shipping

5. B2B stands for:

     a. bubble-to-business
     b. business-to-business
     c. buyer-to-business
     d. best-to-business
     e. Best Buy-to-business

6. Toyota’s new strategy is to de-Japanize its business and make the ________ market its major corporate priority.

  1. U.S.
  2. Germany
  3. England
  4. Indonesia
  5. none of the above

7. The term global epitomizes both the competitive pressure and expanding:

  1. basic opportunities.
  2. social opportunities.
  3. physical opportunities
  4. market opportunities.
  5. bottom opportunities.

8. In global marketing, competitive pressure can also come from _____________ at home.

     a. competitors
     b. conglomerates
     c. groups
     d. locals
     e. regionals

9. When a country’s per capita income is below $10,000, consumers spend most of their income on:

     a. food and other necessities.
     b. higher education.
     c. electronic appliances.
     d. buying houses.
     e. foreign travel.

10.  In the consumption process, people around the world with per capita income of $20,000 and above have a pretty good _________________:

     a. physical power.
     b. political power.
     c. purchasing power.
     d. consumption power.
     e. psychological power.

11.  According to the textbook, the process of globalization does not suffocate _________________, but rather liberates them from the ideological conformity of nationalism.

     a. glocal cultures
     b. regional cultures
     c. Asian cultures
     d. dynamic cultures
     e. local cultures

12. ____________________ consists of exports and imports between a country and the rest of the world.

     a. Regional reach
     b. Competition
     c. International trade
     d. International business
     e. Regional investment

13. _____________________ consists of exports and imports between a country and the rest of the world and foreign production.

     a. Regional reach
     b. Competition
     c. International trade
     d. International business
     e. Regional investment

14. Although it is not widely known, foreign production constitutes a much larger portion
of international business than __________________________________.

a. international trade
      b. regional business
      c. local business
      d. domestic business
      e. transnational business

15. The extensive international penetration of U.S. and other companies has been referred
      to as ____________________.

     a. local reach
     b. regional reach
     c. political reach
     d. social reach
     e. global reach

16. In today’s global marketing, international trade and foreign production are   increasingly managed on a __________________.

     a. vertical basis
     b. horizontal basis
     c. global basis
     d. regional basis
     e. local basis

17. Multinational companies (MNCs) are increasingly managing the international trade  
      flow within themselves. This phenomenon is called _________________.

     a. intrafirm trade
     b. interfirm trade
     c. bi-national trade
     d. poly-national
     e. geo-national

18. According to the text, ____________________ of the world trade is managed one
       way or another by MNCs.

     a. one-third
     b. two-thirds
     c. one-fourths
     d. two-fourths
     e. three-fourths

19. _____________ is essentially a creative corporate activity involving the planning and
     execution of the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, products,
     and services in an exchange that not only satisfy customers’ present needs but also
     anticipates and creates their future needs at a profit.

     a. Selling
     b. Sourcing
     c. Manufacturing
     d. Human resources
     e. Marketing

20. Marketing includes the entire company’s:

      a. quality orientation.
      b. market orientation.
      c. cost orientation.
      d. production orientation.
      e. demand orientation.

21. Companies often develop different marketing strategies depending on the degree    
      of experience and:

     a. the cost of capital in international markets.
     b. the span of control of management.
     c. their consumer concept.
     d. the nature of operations in international markets.
     e. the corporate focus.

22. Responding to changes in the market and competitive environments by moving
      forward in a ______________ manner waits for others to formulate strategies before
      making decisions.

      a. proactive
      b. deductive
      c. constructive
      d. reactive
      e. participative

23. Responding to changes in the market and competitive environments by moving
      forward in a ________________ manner anticipates changes and then formulates
      a. proactive
      b. deductive
      c. constructive
      d. reactive
      e. participative

24. Five types of marketing that have led to the evolution of global marketing are domestic marketing, export marketing, international marketing, _________________, and global marketing.

  1. multinational marketing
b. consumer marketing
      c. gray marketing
      d. expansion marketing
      e. import marketing

25. There are five identifiable stages in the evolution of marketing across national
      boundaries.  The first stage is:

      a. global marketing.
      b. international marketing.
      c. export marketing.
      d. direct marketing.
      e. domestic marketing.

26. When a company focuses solely on its domestic market, this strategy is characterized
      as one employing:

      a. global marketing.
      b. international marketing.
      c. domestic marketing.
      d. indirect marketing.
      e. direct marketing.

27. Domestic marketing strategy is characterized as a strategy that is developed based on
      information about domestic customer needs and wants, economic, technological, and
      political environments at home, and ____________________.

      a. taxes
      b. customer habits
      c. geography
      d. culture
      e. industry trends

28. Domestic marketers tend to be ________________.

      a. ethnocentric
      b. biocentric
      c. polycentric
      d. geocentric
      e. localcentric

29. Export marketing consists of:

      a. indirect and direct exporting.
      b. indirect and longitudinal exporting.
      c. indirect and passive exporting.
      d. indirect and active exporting.
      e. indirect and aggressive exporting.

30. U.S. automobile and consumer electronics manufacturers in the 1960s and 1970s are
      examples of a(an):

      a. multicentric orientation.
      b. polycentric orientation.
      c. ethnocentric orientation.
      d. bicentric orientation.
      e. egocentric orientation

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