Friday 20 January 2017

ACC 410 Week 3 Quiz – Strayer

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Chapter 2

Fund Accounting


1.         A fund is a separate fiscal and accountingentity with a self-balancing set of accounts.

2.         Fund accounting promotes control and accountability over restricted resources.

3.         The basis of accounting determines what transactions and events are recognized.

4.         An entity’s measurement focus determines when transactions and events are recognized.

5.         If an entity adopts a full accrual basis of accounting, its measurement focus will automatically be on all economic resources.

6.         If an entity adopts a modified accrual basis of accounting, its measurement focus will automatically be on current financial resources.

7.          A government may report some of its funds on a full accrual basis.

8.         A government may have as many general funds as it deems necessary.

9.         Funds divide a government into functional departments.

10.     General funds are established to account for resources legally restricted for specified purposes.

11.     Fiduciary activities only benefit parties other than the government itself.

12.     The Financial Accounting Standards Board requires all nongovernmental not-for-profit entities to use fund accounting.


1.   What is the primary reason that governmental entities use fund accounting?
a)      Fund accounting is required by law.
b)      Fund accounting is required by GAAP.
c)      Fund accounting promotes control and accountability over restricted resources.
d)     Fund accounting promotes better control over operating activities.

2.   Basis of accounting determines which of the following?
a)      When transactions and events are recognized.
b)      What transactions and events will be reported.
c)      Where transactions and events will be reported.
d)     Why transactions and events will be reported.

3.      A fund is
a)      A separate legal entity.
b)      A separate fiscal and accounting entity.
c)      A separate self-balancing set of accounts for inventory purposes.
d)     None of the above.

4.   Which of the following funds is a fiduciary fund?
a)      Permanent fund.
b)      Agency fund.
c)      Capital project fund.
d)     Debt service fund.

5.   When a governmental entity adopts a basis of accounting other than full accrual and a measurement focus that excludes long-lived assets and liabilities in its governmental fund types:
a)      It is in violation of the law.
b)      It is in violation of GAAP.
c)      It has recorded transactions in accordance with standards for presentation in the fund financial statement required by the new GASB reporting model.
d)     It has the ability to better measure the results of operations.

6.   A city receives a donation from a citizen who specifies that the principal must be invested and the earnings must be used to support operations of a city-owned recreational facility.  The principal of this gift should be accounted for in which of the following funds?
a)      Trust fund.
b)      Special revenue fund.
c)      Permanent fund.
d)     Internal service fund.

7.   Which of the following is NOT a governmental fund?
a)      City Hall Debt Service Fund.
b)      City Utilities Enterprise Fund.
c)      Gasoline Tax Special Revenue Fund.
d)     City Hall Capital Project Fund.

8.      Which of the following accounts would you least expect to see in a debt service fund?
a)      Principal payments.
b)      Interest charges.
c)      Interest earned.
d)     Outstanding balance of the debt being serviced.

9.   Which of the following funds is a proprietary fund?
a)      Internal service fund.
b)      Special revenue fund.
c)      Capital project fund.
d)     Permanent fund.

10. Which of the following funds is a governmental fund?
a)      Enterprise fund.
b)      Debt service fund.
c)      Internal service fund.
d)     Agency fund.

11. Which of the following activities should the City of Highland account for in a trust fund?
a)      General fund contributions received by the City pension plan.
b)      Greens fees received from golfers at the City-owned golf course.
c)      Grants received from the Federal government to purchase buses to be used for public transit.
d)     Proceeds of bonds issued to construct a new city hall building.

12. The state collects a gasoline tax that must be used to support highway construction and maintenance.  The gasoline tax should be accounted for in which of the following funds?
a)      General fund.
b)      Special revenue fund.
c)      Debt service fund.
d)     Internal service fund.

13. The City of San Jose built a new city hall and financed construction by issuing bonds due in installments over the next 30 years.  The bond principal and interest will be paid by a special tax levied on property in the City.  The money received from this special tax should be accounted for in which of the following funds?
a)      General fund.
b)      Special revenue fund.
c)      Capital project fund.
d)     Debt service fund.

14. Riverside Golf Course is a City-owned golf course that collects greens fees in amounts sufficient to cover its expenses.  Riverside Golf Course should be accounted for in which of the following funds?
a)      Internal service fund.
b)      Enterprise fund.
c)      General fund.
d)     Special revenue fund.

15. To fulfill the printing needs of its various departments and agencies, the City has established a Central Print Shop which bills the various departments and agencies of the city for printing services rendered.  The Central Print Shop should be accounted for in which of the following funds.
a)      Internal service fund.
b)      Enterprise fund.
c)      General fund.
d)     Special revenue fund.

16. Which of the following funds is accounted for on the modified accrual basis of accounting?
a)      General fund.
b)      Internal service fund.
c)      Proprietary fund.
d)     Pension trust fund.

17. Which of the following assets would NOT be found in the fund balance sheet of the General Fund of the City of Harrison?
a)      Cash.
b)      Capital assets.
c)      Receivable from Special Revenue Fund.
d)     Receivable from State.

18. Which of the following liabilities would NOT be found in the fund balance sheet of the General Fund of the City of Marmaduke?
a)      Accounts payable.
b)      Payable to the special revenue fund.
c)      Deferred revenue.
d)     Bonds payable, due in 5 years.

19. For which of the following entities is fund accounting mandated?
a)      American Hospital Association.
b)      City of New York.
c)      Grace Lutheran Church.
d)     United Way.

20.   Governments most commonly separate resources into funds to assure that they adhere to restrictions placed on them by
a)   legislators.
       b)   grantors.
       c)   donors.
       d)   all of the above.


1.      Assume that the City of Ft. Smith maintains its books and records in a manner that facilitates the preparation of the fund financial statements.  For each of the following events indicate in which fund(s) of the City of Ft. Smith the event would be recorded and justify your fund selection. 

  1. The City collected property taxes levied for the general operations of the City.
  2. The City collected property taxes levied to pay principal and interest on bonds issued several years in the past to construct a new fire station.
  3. The City collected property taxes levied on a specific area of the City for the purposes of providing more frequent snow removal than is enjoyed by the rest of the City.
  4. The City sold bonds to finance the construction of a new City Hall.
  5. The City sold bonds to finance major renovations at the city-owned electric utility.

2.   Assume that the City of Amber maintains its books and records in a manner that facilitates the preparation of the fund financial statements.   Amber City maintains a general fund, a capital project fund, and a special revenue fund.  During 2002, the City engaged in the following transactions.  Record all transactions.  Be sure to clearly indicate the fund in which the entry is made.

  1. The City sold bonds, face value $26 million, at par to finance the construction of a new City Hall.
  2. The City purchased two new police cars at a total cost of $50,000.
  3. The City collected $8,000 in taxes dedicated for the eradication of noxious weeds.
  4. The City spent $6,000 on pesticides for noxious weeds.
  5. The City acquired a new tractor for $75,000.  The City paid $20,000 in cash, and signed a $55,000 note which is due in three years.

3.   Assume that the Blackfoot County maintains its books and records in a manner that facilitates the preparation of the fund financial statements.   Blackfoot County engaged in the following transactions during the current month.  Prepare journal entries in the general fund to record these events.

a.    Paid salaries to County employees, $100,000.
       b.   Borrowed $35,000 at a local bank to use to buy a County car.
       c.   Purchased an automobile for the use by County administrative officials, $35,000.
       d.   Made a $7,000 payment on the outstanding accounts payable.
       e.   Collected $3,500,000 of the current property tax lavy.
       f.   Received a $50,000 grant from the State to support general government activities.

4.   For each of the following funds list the basis of accounting it should use, either modified accrual or full accrual.

a.   General fund
       b.   Debt service fund
       c.   Internal service fund
       d.   Investment trusts
       e.   Private purpose trusts
5.   For each of the following funds list the measurement focus it should use, either current financial resources or economic resources.

      a.   General fund
      b.   Special revenue funds
      c.   Capital projects funds
      d.   Enterprise funds
      e.   Pension trusts


1.      Why do governments and not-for-profit entities use fund accounting?

2.      Governments use the modified accrual basis of accounting and a current financial resources measurement focus when presenting the fund financial statements of the governmental funds,  but they use the accrual basis of accounting and the flow of economic resources for the government-wide financial statements.  What is a basis of accounting?  What is measurement focus?  How does the selection of one affect the selection of the other?

3.      For what purposes do governmental and not-for-profit entities use agency funds?  What are the distinguishing characteristics of agency funds?

4.      Briefly describe the three broad categories of activities that most general-purpose governments engage in.

Chapter 3

Government Financial Reporting


1.    In addition to preparing fund financial statements, governments should also prepare consolidated financial statements to provide information on the financial position and operating results of the government as a single economic entity.

2.    Fiduciary activities should be reported in fund statements, but should be excluded from the government-wide statements.

3.    To prepare their government-wide statements, governments must adjust the governmental fund statements from the full accrual basis to the modified accrual basis.

4.    The format that may now be used for the government-wide statement of net assets is “assets plus liabilities equals net assets.”

5.    The government-wide statement of activities bears little resemblance to the income statement of a business.

6.    A reservation of fund balance is, in essence, an additional restriction on fund resources.

7.    Internal service fund balances generally are included in the governmental activities column of the government-wide statement of net assets, rather than in the business-type activities column.

8.    A governmental funds balance sheet does not include capital or other noncurrent assets.

9.    Fund balance is equal to fund assets plus fund liabilities.

10.  Footnotes are not required to be included as part of the basic financial statements of governments.


1.   __________ is governments’ responsibility to report the extent to which they have met their operating objectives efficiently and effectively, using all resources available for that purpose, and whether they can continue to meet their objectives for the foreseeable future.
       a)   Fund accountability.
       b)   Fiscal accountability.
       c)   Operational accountability.
       d)   Government accountability.

2.   __________ is the responsibility of governments to justify that their actions in the current period have complied with public decisions concerning the raising and spending of public moneys in the short term.
        a)   Fund accountability.
        b)   Fiscal accountability.
        c)   Operational accountability.
        d)   Government accountability.

3.    Which of the following is NOT considered Required Supplementary Information (RSI)?
        a)   Notes to the financial statements.
        b)   Management’s Discussion and Analysis.
        c)   Budgetary comparisons.
        d)   Pension schedules.

4.    Government-wide financial statements should include
        a)   the statement of net assets, and the statement of activities.
        b)   the statement of net assets only.
        c)   the statement of activities only.
        d)   the statement of net assets, the statement of activities, and the statement of cash flows.

5.   In addition to government-wide statements, GASB Statement No. 34 requires fund financial statements be included in the government’s basic set of financial statements.  The basic fund financial statements that should be included for governmental funds are
        a)   the Balance Sheet and
      the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and  Changes in Fund Balance.
        b)   the Statement of Nets Assets,
               the Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Assets, and
the Statement of Cash Flows.
        c)   the Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets, and
the Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets.
        d)   the Balance Sheet,
the Income Statement,
the Statement of Cash Flows, and
the Statement of Retained Earnings.

6.   In addition to government-wide statements, GASB Statement No. 34 requires fund financial statements be included in the government’s basic set of financial statements.  The basic fund financial statements that should be included for proprietary funds are
        a)   the Balance Sheet and
       the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and  Changes in Fund Balance.
        b)   the Statement of Nets Assets,
               the Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Assets, and
the Statement of Cash Flows.
        c)   the Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets, and
the Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets.
        d)   the Balance Sheet,
the Income Statement,
the Statement of Cash Flows, and
the Statement of Retained Earnings.

7.   In addition to government-wide statements, GASB Statement No. 34 requires fund financial statements be included in the government’s basic set of financial statements.  The basic fund financial statements that should be included for fiduciary funds are
        a)    the Balance Sheet and
       the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and  Changes in Fund Balance.
        b)   the Statement of Nets Assets,
               the Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Assets, and
the Statement of Cash Flows.
        c)   the Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets, and
the Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets.
        d)   the Balance Sheet,
the Income Statement,
the Statement of Cash Flows, and
the Statement of Retained Earnings.

8.   The aim of the government-wide statement of activities is to show
        a)   the net cost of each of the government’s main functions and programs.
        b)   the net income for the government as a whole.
        c)   the net income for the government’s governmental activities and fiduciary activities.
        d)   the net income for the government’s governmental activities and proprietary activities.

9.   The government-wide statements should be prepared using
        a)   the cash basis.
        b)   the full accrual basis.
        c)   the modified accrual basis.
        d)   the modified accrual basis for the governmental activities, and the full accrual basis for the business-type activities.

10.   In the fund financial statements, the statements for the governmental funds should be prepared using
        a)   the cash basis.
        b)   the full accrual basis.
        c)   the modified accrual basis.
        d)   the modified cash basis.

11.   In the fund financial statements, the statements for the proprietary funds should be prepared using
        a)   the cash basis.
        b)   the full accrual basis.
        c)    the modified accrual basis.
        d)    the modified cash basis.

12.   In the fund financial statements, the statements for the fiduciary funds should be prepared using
        a)    the cash basis.
        b)    the full accrual basis.
        c)    the modified accrual basis.
        d)   the modified cash basis.

13.   Per Statement No. 34, the GASB requires that governments present their budget versus actual comparisons on a __________ and include a schedule that reconciles the actual amounts per the budgetary comparison with the GAAP amounts per the financial statements.
        a)   full accrual basis
        b)   modified accrual basis
        c)   cash basis
        d)   budgetary basis

14.   How many government-wide statements is a municipality required to prepare?
        a)   One.
        b)   Two.
        c)   Eight.
        d)   Ten.

15.  The Basic Financial Statements of a city do not include which of the following?
        a)   Government-wide Statement of Net Assets.
        b)   Government-wide Statement of Activities.
        c)   Government-wide Statement of Cash Flows.
        d)   Balance Sheet for each governmental and proprietary fund.

16. Which of the following would NOT be found in the business-type activity column of the government-wide Statement of Net Assets of the City of Smithville?
       a)   Cash.
       b)   Inventory.
       c)   Capital assets.
       d)   Receivable from general fund.

17. Which of the following would NOT be found in the Statement of Net Assets of Teton City?
       a)   Cash.
       b)   Capital assets.
       c)   Receivable from special revenue fund.
       d)   Inventories.

18. The focus of the Statement of Activities of the city of West Hills is on which of the following?
       a)   Determining the total expenses by natural classification.
       b)   Determining the total expenses by function.
       c)   Determining the total revenues by function.
       d)   Determining the net cost of functions.

19.  Under the new GASB reporting model for governmental entities, which of the following is required?
       a)   Only one set of financial statements, prepared on the full accrual basis of accounting.
       b)   Only one set of financial statements, prepared on the modified accrual basis of accounting.
       c)   Two sets of financial statements, one similar to the pre-GASB #34 reporting requirements using the current financial resources measurement focus and modified accrual basis of accounting and one that combines all governmental activities in one column and all business-type activities in another column using the full accrual basis of accounting for both columns.
       d)   Two sets of financial statements, one exactly like the pre-GASB #34 reporting requirements using the current financial resources measurement focus and modified accrual basis of accounting and one that combines all governmental activities in one column and all business-type activities in another column using the full accrual basis of accounting for both columns.

20.   Under the new GASB reporting model for governmental entities, the entity-wide balance sheet will display which of the following?
        a)   Assets, Liabilities, and Net Assets.
        b)  Assets, Liabilities, and Fund Balances.
        c)   Assets, Liabilities, and Fund Equity.
       d)   Assets, Liabilities, and Owner’s Equity.

21.  Under the new GASB reporting model for governmental entities, the focus of the entity-wide activity/operating statement is on which of the following?
        a)   Program revenues and expenditures.
        b)   Program revenues and expenses.
        c)   Net income.
        d)   Net program revenues/expenses.


1.   Listed below are the names of the two government-wide financials statements and the seven fund statements that should be included in the government’s basic financial statements.  Identify each as either a government-wide statement, a governmental funds statement, a proprietary funds statements, or a fiduciary funds statement.

________________ (a)  Statement of Activities

________________ (b)  Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets

________________ (c)  Statement of Cash Flows

________________ (d)  Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Assets

________________ (e)  Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance

      ________________ (f)  Balance Sheet

      ________________ (g)  Statement of Net Assets (or a Balance Sheet)

      ________________ (h)  Statement of Net Assets

      ________________ (i)  Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets

2.   Listed below are the names of the two government-wide financials statements and the seven fund statements that should be included in the government’s basic financial statements.  Identify the appropriate basis of accounting, either modified accrual or full accrual, that should be used to prepare that statement.

________________ (a)  Statement of Activities

________________ (b)  Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets

________________ (c)  Statement of Cash Flows

________________ (d)  Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Assets

________________ (e)  Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance

      ________________ (f)  Balance Sheet

      ________________ (g)  Statement of Net Assets (or a Balance Sheet)

      ________________ (h)  Statement of Net Assets

      ________________ (i)  Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets

3.   Listed below are the names of the two government-wide financials statements and the seven fund statements that should be included in the government’s basic financial statements.  Identify the appropriate measurement focus, either economic resources or current financial resources, that should be followed to prepare that statement.

________________ (a)  Statement of Activities

________________ (b)  Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets

________________ (c)  Statement of Cash Flows

________________ (d)  Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Assets

________________ (e)  Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance

      ________________ (f)  Balance Sheet

      ________________ (g)  Statement of Net Assets (or a Balance Sheet)

      ________________ (h)  Statement of Net Assets

      ________________ (i)  Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets


1.   Concerning the government-wide statement of net assets, describe what information is included in the governmental activities column, the business-type activities column, and the column for the total primary government.

2.   The activities of an internal service fund are presented on the Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Assets in the fund financial statements.  Why?  Where are the activities of an internal service fund presented on the Government-wide Statement of Activities?  Why? 

3.   Contrast the reporting of major funds in the governmental funds financial statements versus that of nonmajor funds.

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