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ACC 303 Week 5 Midterm Exam – Strayer NEW

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Midterm Exam: Chapters 1 Through 4

Chapter 1

IFRS questions are available at the end of this chapter.


    1.  Financial accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, analyzing, and communicating financial information needed by management to plan, evaluate, and control a company’s operations.

    2.  Financial statements are the principal means through which a company communicates its financial information to those outside it.

    3.  Users of financial reports provided by a company use that information to make their capital allocation decisions.

    4.  An effective process of capital allocation promotes productivity and provides an efficient market for buying and selling securities and obtaining and granting credit.

    5.  The objective of financial reporting is to provide financial information about the reporting entity that is useful to present and potential equity investors, but not to users who are not investors.

    6.  Investors are interested in financial reporting because it provides information that is useful for making decisions (decision-usefulness approach).

    7.  Users of financial accounting statements have both coinciding and conflicting needs for information of various types.

    8.  The Securities and Exchange Commission appointed the Committee on Accounting Procedure.

    9.  The passage of a new FASB Standards Statement requires the support of five of the seven board members.

  10.  Financial Accounting Concepts set forth fundamental objectives and concepts that are used in developing future standards of financial accounting and reporting.

  11.  The AICPA created the Accounting Principles Board in 1959.

  12.  The FASB’s Codification integrates existing GAAP, and creates new GAAP.

  13.  The AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct requires that members prepare financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

  14.  GAAP is a product of careful logic or empirical findings and are not influenced by political action.

  15.  The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board has oversight and enforcement authority and establishes auditing and independence standards and rules.

  16.  The expectations gap is caused by what the public thinks accountants should do and what accountants think they can do.

  17.  Financial reports in the early 21st century did not provide any information about a company’s soft assets (intangibles).

  18.  Accounting standards are now less likely to require the recording or disclosure of fair value information.

  19.  U.S. companies that list overseas are required to use International Financial Reporting Standards, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.

  20.  Ethical issues in financial accounting are governed by the AICPA.

True-False Answers—Conceptual


  21.     General-purpose financial statements are the product of
a.   financial accounting.
b.   managerial accounting.
c.   both financial and managerial accounting.
d.   neither financial nor managerial accounting.

  22.     Users of financial reports include all of the following except
a.   creditors.
b.   government agencies.
c.   unions.
d.   All of these are users.

  23.     The financial statements most frequently provided include all of the following except the
a.   balance sheet.
b.   income statement.
c.   statement of cash flows.
d.   statement of retained earnings.

  24.     The information provided by financial reporting pertains to
a.   individual business enterprises, rather than to industries or an economy as a whole or to members of society as consumers.
b.   business industries, rather than to individual enterprises or an economy as a whole or to members of society as consumers.
c.   individual business enterprises, industries, and an economy as a whole, rather than to members of society as consumers.
d.   an economy as a whole and to members of society as consumers, rather than to individual enterprises or industries.

  25.     All the following are differences between financial and managerial accounting in how accounting information is used except to
a.   plan and control company's operations.
b.   decide whether to invest in the company.
c.   evaluate borrowing capacity to determine the extent of a loan to grant.
d.   All the above.

  26.     Which of the following represents a form of communication through financial reporting but not through financial statements?
a.   Balance sheet.
b.   President's letter.
c.   Income statement.
d.   Notes to financial statements.

P27.     The process of identifying, measuring, analyzing, and communicating financial information needed by management to plan, evaluate, and control an organization’s operations is called
a.   financial accounting.
b.   managerial accounting.
c.   tax accounting.
d.   auditing.

  28.     How does accounting help the capital allocation process attract investment capital?
a.   Provides timely, relevant information.
b.   Encourages innovation.
c.   Promotes productivity.
d.   a and b above.

  29.     Whether a business is successful and thrives is determined by
a.   markets.
b.   free enterprise.
c.   competition.
d.   all of these.

  30.     An effective capital allocation process
a.   promotes productivity.
b.   encourages innovation.
c.   provides an efficient market for buying and selling securities.
d.   all of these.

  31.     Financial statements in the early 2000s provide information related to
a.   nonfinancial measurements.
b.   forward-looking data.
c.   hard assets (inventory and plant assets).
d.   none of these.

  32.     Which of the following is not a major challenge facing the accounting profession?
a.   Nonfinancial measurements.
b.   Timeliness.
c.   Accounting for hard assets.
d.   Forward-looking information.

  33.     What is the objective of financial reporting?
a.   Provide information that is useful to management in making decisions.
b.   Provide information that clearly portray nonfinancial transactions.
c.   Provide information about the reporting entity that is useful to present and potential equity investors, lenders, and other creditors.
d.   Provide information that excludes claims to the resources.

  34.     Primary users for general-purpose financial statements include
a.   creditors.
b.   employees.
c.   investors.
d.   both creditors and investors.

  35.     When making decisions, investors are interested in assessing
a.   the company’s ability to generate net cash inflows.
b.   management’s ability to protect and enhance the capital providers’ investments.
c.   Both a and b.
d.   the company’s ability to generate net income.

  36.     Accrual accounting is used because
a.   cash flows are considered less important.
b.   it provides a better indication of ability to generate cash flows than the cash basis.
c.   it recognizes revenues when cash is received and expenses when cash is paid.
d.   none of the above.

  37.     Which perspective is adopted as part of the objective of general-purpose financial reporting?
a.   Decision-usefulness perspective.
b.   Proprietary perspective.
c.   Entity perspective.
d.   Financial reporting perspective.

  38.     Accounting principles are "generally accepted" only when
a.   an authoritative accounting rule-making body has established it in an official pro-nouncement.
b.   it has been accepted as appropriate because of its universal application.
c.   both a and b.
d.   neither a nor b.

  39.     A common set of accounting standards and procedures are called
a.   financial accounting standards.
b.   generally accepted accounting principles.
c.   objectives of financial reporting. 
d.   statements of financial accounting concepts.

  40.     Which of the following is a general limitation of "general purpose financial statements"?
a.   General purpose financial statements may not be the most informative for a specific enterprise.
b.   General purpose financial statements are comparable.
c.   General purpose financial statements are assumed to present fairly the company's financial operations.
d.   None of the above.

  41.     What is the relationship between the Securities and Exchange Commission and accounting standard setting in the United States?
a.   The SEC requires all companies listed on an exchange to submit their financial statements to the SEC.
b.   The SEC coordinates with the AICPA in establishing accounting standards.
c.   The SEC has a mandate to establish accounting standards for enterprises under its jurisdiction.
d.   The SEC reviews financial statements for compliance.

  42.     What is due process in the context of standard setting at the FASB?
a.   FASB operates in full view of the public.
b.   Public hearings are held on proposed accounting standards.
c.   Interested parties can make their views known.
d.   All of the above.

  43.     Which of the following organizations has been responsible for setting U.S. accounting standards?
a.   Accounting Principles Board.
b.   Committee on Accounting Procedure.
c.   Financial Accounting Standards Board.
d.   All of the above.

  44.     Why did the AICPA create the Accounting Principles Board?
a.   The SEC disbanded the previous standard setting organization.
b.   The previous standard setting organization did not provide a structured set of accounting principles.
c.   No such organization existed in the past.
d.   None of the above.

  45.     Which organization was responsible for issuing Accounting Research Bulletins?
a.   Accounting Principles Board.
b.   Committee on Accounting Procedure.
c.   The SEC.
d.   AICPA.

  46.     A characteristic of generally accepted accounting principles include the following:
a.   common set of standards and principles.
b.   standards and principles are based federal statutes.
c.   acceptance requires an affirmative vote of Certified Public Accountants.
d.   practices that become accepted for at least a year by all industry members.

  47.     Characteristics of generally accepted accounting principles include all of the following except
a.   authoritative accounting the rule-making body established a principle of reporting.
b.   standards are considered useful by the profession.
c.   each principle is approved by the SEC.
d.   practice has become universally accepted over time.

  48.     Why was it believed that accounting standards that were issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board would carry more weight?
a.   Smaller membership.
b.   FASB board members are well-paid.
c.   FASB board members must be CPAs.
d.   Due process.

  49.     The passage of a new FASB Standards Statement requires the support of
a.   all Board members.
b.   three Board members.
c.   four Board members.
d.   five Board members.

  50.     What is the purpose of Emerging Issues Task Force?
a.   Provide interpretation of existing standards.
b.   Provide a consensus on how to account for new and unusual financial transactions.
c.   Provide interpretive guidance.

d.   Provide timely guidance on select issues.

MKT 515 Week 5 Midterm Exam – Strayer NEW

MKT 515 Week 5 Midterm Exam – Strayer NEW

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Chapter 1 Through 8

Chapter 1

Multiple Choice

1.      In global business, products have been traded across borders throughout recorded civilizations, extending back beyond the ________________ that once connected 
East with West.

     a. The Marco Polo Road
     b. The Roman Road
     c. The Pioneer Road
     d. The International Road
     e. The Silk Road

2.      The Silk Road once helped connect:

     a. Turkey to Rome.
     b. Iran to Rome.
     c. Bombay to Rome.
     d. Beijing to Rome.
     e. Xian to Rome.

3. Saturation of domestic markets in the industrialized parts of the world has forced many companies to look for marketing opportunities beyond their _______________.

     a. local borders.
     b. national borders.
     c. regional borders.
     d. Complex borders.
     e. transnational borders.

4. ____________ revolution has brought profound changes in the world.

     a. Wal-Mart
     b. CNN
     c. MTV
     d. Internet
     e. Shipping

5. B2B stands for:

     a. bubble-to-business
     b. business-to-business
     c. buyer-to-business
     d. best-to-business
     e. Best Buy-to-business

6. Toyota’s new strategy is to de-Japanize its business and make the ________ market its major corporate priority.

  1. U.S.
  2. Germany
  3. England
  4. Indonesia
  5. none of the above

7. The term global epitomizes both the competitive pressure and expanding:

  1. basic opportunities.
  2. social opportunities.
  3. physical opportunities
  4. market opportunities.
  5. bottom opportunities.

8. In global marketing, competitive pressure can also come from _____________ at home.

     a. competitors
     b. conglomerates
     c. groups
     d. locals
     e. regionals

9. When a country’s per capita income is below $10,000, consumers spend most of their income on:

     a. food and other necessities.
     b. higher education.
     c. electronic appliances.
     d. buying houses.
     e. foreign travel.

10.  In the consumption process, people around the world with per capita income of $20,000 and above have a pretty good _________________:

     a. physical power.
     b. political power.
     c. purchasing power.
     d. consumption power.
     e. psychological power.

11.  According to the textbook, the process of globalization does not suffocate _________________, but rather liberates them from the ideological conformity of nationalism.

     a. glocal cultures
     b. regional cultures
     c. Asian cultures
     d. dynamic cultures
     e. local cultures

12. ____________________ consists of exports and imports between a country and the rest of the world.

     a. Regional reach
     b. Competition
     c. International trade
     d. International business
     e. Regional investment

13. _____________________ consists of exports and imports between a country and the rest of the world and foreign production.

     a. Regional reach
     b. Competition
     c. International trade
     d. International business
     e. Regional investment

14. Although it is not widely known, foreign production constitutes a much larger portion
of international business than __________________________________.

a. international trade
      b. regional business
      c. local business
      d. domestic business
      e. transnational business

15. The extensive international penetration of U.S. and other companies has been referred
      to as ____________________.

     a. local reach
     b. regional reach
     c. political reach
     d. social reach
     e. global reach

16. In today’s global marketing, international trade and foreign production are   increasingly managed on a __________________.

     a. vertical basis
     b. horizontal basis
     c. global basis
     d. regional basis
     e. local basis

17. Multinational companies (MNCs) are increasingly managing the international trade  
      flow within themselves. This phenomenon is called _________________.

     a. intrafirm trade
     b. interfirm trade
     c. bi-national trade
     d. poly-national
     e. geo-national

18. According to the text, ____________________ of the world trade is managed one
       way or another by MNCs.

     a. one-third
     b. two-thirds
     c. one-fourths
     d. two-fourths
     e. three-fourths

19. _____________ is essentially a creative corporate activity involving the planning and
     execution of the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, products,
     and services in an exchange that not only satisfy customers’ present needs but also
     anticipates and creates their future needs at a profit.

     a. Selling
     b. Sourcing
     c. Manufacturing
     d. Human resources
     e. Marketing

20. Marketing includes the entire company’s:

      a. quality orientation.
      b. market orientation.
      c. cost orientation.
      d. production orientation.
      e. demand orientation.

21. Companies often develop different marketing strategies depending on the degree    
      of experience and:

     a. the cost of capital in international markets.
     b. the span of control of management.
     c. their consumer concept.
     d. the nature of operations in international markets.
     e. the corporate focus.

22. Responding to changes in the market and competitive environments by moving
      forward in a ______________ manner waits for others to formulate strategies before
      making decisions.

      a. proactive
      b. deductive
      c. constructive
      d. reactive
      e. participative

23. Responding to changes in the market and competitive environments by moving
      forward in a ________________ manner anticipates changes and then formulates
      a. proactive
      b. deductive
      c. constructive
      d. reactive
      e. participative

24. Five types of marketing that have led to the evolution of global marketing are domestic marketing, export marketing, international marketing, _________________, and global marketing.

  1. multinational marketing
b. consumer marketing
      c. gray marketing
      d. expansion marketing
      e. import marketing

25. There are five identifiable stages in the evolution of marketing across national
      boundaries.  The first stage is:

      a. global marketing.
      b. international marketing.
      c. export marketing.
      d. direct marketing.
      e. domestic marketing.

26. When a company focuses solely on its domestic market, this strategy is characterized
      as one employing:

      a. global marketing.
      b. international marketing.
      c. domestic marketing.
      d. indirect marketing.
      e. direct marketing.

27. Domestic marketing strategy is characterized as a strategy that is developed based on
      information about domestic customer needs and wants, economic, technological, and
      political environments at home, and ____________________.

      a. taxes
      b. customer habits
      c. geography
      d. culture
      e. industry trends

28. Domestic marketers tend to be ________________.

      a. ethnocentric
      b. biocentric
      c. polycentric
      d. geocentric
      e. localcentric

29. Export marketing consists of:

      a. indirect and direct exporting.
      b. indirect and longitudinal exporting.
      c. indirect and passive exporting.
      d. indirect and active exporting.
      e. indirect and aggressive exporting.

30. U.S. automobile and consumer electronics manufacturers in the 1960s and 1970s are
      examples of a(an):

      a. multicentric orientation.
      b. polycentric orientation.
      c. ethnocentric orientation.
      d. bicentric orientation.
      e. egocentric orientation

CIS 519 Midterm and Final Exam – Strayer NEW

CIS 519 Midterm and Final Exam – Strayer NEW

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Chapter 1 Through 14

Chapter 1   Decision Support Systems and Business Intelligence

1) When faced with a turbulent business environment, organizations are best able to survive or even excel by minimizing changes until the environment stabilizes.

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 2

2) The management of Norfolk Southern, a large freight railroad company, invested in data warehousing technologies. Even though railroad transportation is a mature industry, Norfolk Southern gained a competitive advantage by using its data warehousing technologies to squeeze additional efficiency from its operations.

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 4

3) Globalization has significantly reduced the complexity of the business environment. For example, companies can find suppliers and customers in many countries where materials are cheaper, which reduces competition and complexity.

Diff: 3    Page Ref: 5

4) One of the major objectives of computerized decision support is to minimize the gap between the current performance of an organization and its desired performance.

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 6

5) One measure of productivity is the ratio of inputs to outputs.

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 7

6) Managers, especially those at high managerial levels, are primarily hands-on problem solvers.

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 7

7) Because managerial decision making is complex, it is more important to emphasize methodical, analytical decision making rather than interpersonal communication skills.

Diff: 3    Page Ref: 7

8) Government regulations, political instability, competition, and changing consumer demands cause uncertainty that makes it difficult to predict the consequences of a decision.

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 8

9) Computer applications have progressed from transaction processing and monitoring to problem analysis and solution applications, and much of the activity is supported by spreadsheet technologies.

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 9
10) Computerized systems enable people to overcome their cognitive limits by quickly accessing and processing vast amounts of stored information.

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 10

11) Accounts receivable and accounts payable processes are highly structured, which makes them easy to program.

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 11

12) Research and development (R & D) planning and social responsibility planning are unstructured decisions, which cannot be supported by computerized decision support systems.

Diff: 3    Page Ref: 11

13) The first phase in the decision-making process is design which involves inventing, developing, and analyzing possible alternative courses of action or solutions.

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 12

14) Automated decision systems (ADS) are rule-based systems that provide solutions to repetitive managerial problems, usually in one functional area (e.g., finance, manufacturing).

Diff: 3    Page Ref: 14

15) The term Decision Support Systems (DSS) can be used as an umbrella term to describe any computerized system that supports decision making in an organization.

Diff: 1    Page Ref: 16

16) The two major DSS types are the model-oriented DSS, in which quantitative models are used to generate a recommended solution to a problem, and data-oriented DSS, which support ad hoc reporting and queries.

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 17

17) A BI system has three major components: a data warehouse with source data; business performance management (BPM) for monitoring and analyzing performance; and a user interface such as a dashboard.

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 20

18) Most DSS are constructed to directly support specific decision making. In contrast, BI systems, in general typically provide accurate and timely information to support decision support indirectly. This difference is diminishing because decision support tools are being added to BI software packages.

Diff: 3    Page Ref: 24
19) Dashboards and information portals are data visualization tools.

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 26

20) The objective of computerized decision support, regardless of its name or nature, is to help managers solve problems and assess opportunities faster and better than would be possible without computers.

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 27

21) Norfolk Southern Railroad built a ________ application that pulls data from the data warehouse and then graphically depicts actual performance against planned performance.
A) dashboard
B) graphical interface
C) transaction processing
D) forecasting

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 3

22) Norfolk Southern Railroad invested in a Teradata ________, which is a central repository of historical data that is organized for easy access and manipulation to support decision making.
A) database
B) data warehouse
C) data repository
D) data disk

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 3

23) Numerous types of business ________ result from today's business climate.
A) decisions
B) responses
C) support
D) pressures

Diff: 1    Page Ref: 5

24) Companies are facing each of the following impacts of globalization except:
A) Easier to find suppliers and customers in many countries
B) Less complex business environment
C) Cheaper materials
D) More and stronger competitors

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 5

25) Which of the following is an organizational response to a business environmental factor?
A) customer demand
B) government regulations
C) new business models
D) globalization

Diff: 3    Page Ref: 5
26) Business environment factors that create pressures on organizations include all of the following except:
A) workforce that is younger and shrinking
B) need for real-time, on-demand transactions
C) booming electronic markets on the Internet
D) innovative marketing methods

Diff: 1    Page Ref: 6

27) One of the major objectives of ________ is to facilitate closing the gap between the current performance of an organization and its desired performance, as expressed in its mission, objectives, and goals.
A) business alliances
B) customer relationships
C) business models
D) computerized decision support

Diff: 3    Page Ref: 6

28) Management is a process by which organizational goals are achieved by using resources. The resources are considered ________, and attainment of goals is viewed as the ________ of the process.
A) expenses; profits
B) inputs; output
C) pressures; opportunities
D) scarce; success

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 7

29) Mintzberg's (1980) classic study of top managers suggests that managers perform ten major roles that can be classified into three major categories. Each of the following is one of those major categories except:
A) relational
B) interpersonal
C) decisional
D)  informational

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 7

30) For years in the past, managers considered decision making a(n) ________, that is, a talent acquired over a long period through experience and by using intuition.
A) science
B) strategy
C) art
D) methodology

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 7
31) According to Mintzberg's ten managerial roles, a ________ is responsible for the motivation and activation of subordinates.
A) leader
B) figurehead
C) liason
D) spokesperson

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 7

32) According to Mintzberg's ten managerial roles, a ________ is symbolic head; or someone who is obliged to perform a number of routine duties.
A) leader
B) figurehead
C) liason
D) spokesperson

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 7

33) Today's computerized systems possess capabilities that can facilitate decision support in a number of ways, including each of the following except:
A) Increased productivity of group members
B) Improved communication and collaboration
C) Agility support
D) Reduced environmental pressures

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 9

34) Decision-making processes fall along a continuum that ranges from ________ to ________.
A) highly structured; highly unstructured
B) semistructured; unstructured
C) managerial; strategic
D) ad hoc; nonprogrammed

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 11

35) Phases in the decision-making process include each of the following except:
A) intelligence
B) analysis
C) design
D) choice

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 12
36) Solving semistructured problems may involve a combination of both standard solution procedures and human judgment. Management science can provide models for the portion of the decision-making problem that is ________.
A) controlled
B) semistructured
C) unstructured
D) structured

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 13

37) A(n) ________ is a rule-based system that provides a solution, usually in one functional area, such as finance or manufacturing, to a specific repetitive managerial problem.
A) decision support systems (DSS)
B) transaction processing system (TPS)
C) online analytical processing (OLAP) system
D) automated decision system (ADS)

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 14

38) Which of the following is one of the two major types of Decision Support Systems?
A) Number-oriented
B) Text-oriented
C) Model-oriented
D) Application-oriented

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 17

39) Which of the following is not a component of DSS architecture?
A) Data
B) Model
C) Knowledge
D) Web

Diff: 2    Page Ref: 17

40) The major benefit of ________ to the company is the ability to provide accurate information when needed.
A) data warehouse
B) analytical models
C) management information systems
D) business intelligence

41) Management is a process by which organizational goals are achieved using ________.

42) Making a decision means selecting the best alternative from two or more ________ solutions.

43) The level of organization's ________, or the success of management, depends on the performance of managerial functions, such as planning, organizing, directing, and controlling.

44) ________ indicates that an individual's problem-solving capability is limited when a wide range of diverse information and knowledge is required.

45) ________ defines long-range goals and policies for resource allocation.