Friday 3 February 2017

HSA 590 Midterm and Final Exam – Strayer NEW

HSA 590 Midterm and Final Exam – Strayer NEW
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Chapter 1 Through 12
Chapter 1


Multiple-Choice Questions

*1. To be considered true research, a project must:
a. gather together a body of existing information and communicate it in a clear and
concise way.
b. uncover obscure or esoteric information and bring it to the consideration of the broader research community.
c. gather and interpret information in a systematic fashion so as to increase understanding of some phenomenon.
d. produce definitive conclusions regarding the subject of study.

**2. Which of the following examples illustrates research the way it is defined in your textbook?
a. Sally is writing a paper about the effects of the Harry Potter books on the reading habits of fourth graders in the United States and United Kingdom.  She goes to a research library to find information to include in her paper.
b. Ian wants to know why the population of songbirds has declined in recent years in the Sutton Wilderness Area.  He carefully collects soil and water samples, systematically surveys the entire area for predators, and then sits down to make sense of his findings.
c. Leonard is starting a woodworking business and is not sure how to calculate the cost of his labor so he can be both profitable and fair to the customers.  He asks several established business owners how they calculate labor changes.
d. Bill is doing a report on the sonnets of Shakespeare.  He carefully reads a number of sonnets and then carefully reads scholarly reviews of those same sonnets written by various Shakespeare scholars.  He synthesizes all of this information in his report.

*3. Which of the following is defined as an organized body of concepts and principles intended to explain a particular phenomenon?
a. Theory
b. Inference
c. Hypothesis
d. Interpretation

*4. Which of the following is defined as a reasonable guess, or a logical supposition, for explaining the phenomenon under investigation?
a. Theory
b. Inference
c. Hypothesis
d. Interpretation
*5. The process of formal research begins with the identification of:
a. research hypotheses.
b. a feasible research plan.
c. available participants.
d. a research problem.

*6. The purpose of formal research is to:
a. prove or disprove the study hypotheses.
b. support or fail to support the study hypotheses.
c. identify alternative hypotheses.
d. move beyond the need for hypotheses.

*7. Assumptions come into play:
a. in regard to nearly every aspect of every research study.
b. in qualitative research but not in quantitative research.
c. when research is not well thought out.
d. rarely, if ever.

*8. Well-designed research manages to minimize or avoid:
a. assumptions.
b. predictions.
c. theory.
d. bias.

*9. Researchers ______ their phenomenon of interest on the basis of data analysis.
a. make inferences about
b. know facts about
c. define
d. identify

*10. A primary function of the methodology is to:
a. guide and control the acquisition of data.
b. extract meaning from the data that have been gathered.
c. both a and b
d. neither a nor b

*11. Three of the following come into play as the researcher analyzes the data.  Which one does NOT?
a. The study hypothesis/hypotheses
b. Preferences for certain outcomes
c. The logical reasoning process
d. Assumptions

*12. A well-designed and well-conducted study:
a. answers questions of importance in the field.
b. raises questions of importance to the field.
c. answers some questions and raises other questions.

*13. Reading the professional literature in the field of interest:
a. will enhance an individual’s ability to design and conduct high-quality research.
b. will stifle creativity and constrain the individual to the status quo.
c. will make little difference to the quality and impact of the individual’s work.
d. is necessary only for the leaders in the field.

*14. One indication that a piece of information is of high quality is that the information:
a. is found on the Internet.
b. is found in a juried (or refereed) research report.
c. resulted from a project that received corporate funding.
d. is the firsthand account of a personal experience.

Essay Questions

15. Your chapter states: “Research is, by its nature, cyclical or, more exactly, helical.”  Explain why “cyclical” is an appropriate description of the research process.  Then explain why “helical” is a better description.

16. Describe an example of the word research being used inappropriately.  Be clear about how your example deviates from the definition of research offered in the chapter.

17. Graduate professors like to insist that the completion of thesis or dissertation research is not merely an “academic exercise” or final hurdle to obtaining the desired degree.  Explain at least one personal benefit that the individual derives from completing a high- quality thesis or dissertation.  Then explain at least one societal benefit that follows from the individual’s completion of a high-quality thesis or dissertation.

18. In the most rigorous tests of hypotheses, the researcher sets out to fail to support the hypothesis.  Why is the attempt to fail to support a more rigorous test of the hypothesis than an attempt to support it?

Chapter 2


Multiple-Choice Questions

*1. A ______ is a specific mechanism or strategy the researcher uses to collect,
manipulate, or interpret data.
a. research tool
b. research methodology
c. statistical test
d. theory

*2. Research methodology refers to:
a. the general approach the researcher takes to conducting a research project.
b. a specific device the researcher uses to collect data.
c. the specific theoretical basis of the research project.
d. the statistical tests to be employed in a research project.

**3. Sam wants to find high-quality research reports related to attribution theory that have been published in professional journals.  Sam’s best approach would be to:
a. consult the library catalog.
b. consult an online or electronic database.
c. search the World Wide Web.
d. browse the shelves in the library.

**4. Sonya is a college freshman who has just been assigned her first research paper, and she doesn’t know how to get started finding information.  Sonya should:
a. search the World Wide Web.
b. consult an online or electronic database.
c. consult a reference librarian.
d. browse the shelves in the library.

*5. ______ allows a researcher to receive news in an area of special interest and discuss that news with others.
a. A search engine
b. E-mail
c. A list server
d. A Web browser

*6. ______ allows researchers to personally correspond practically instantly with other users around the world.
a. A search engine
b. E-mail
c. A list server
d. A Web browser

**7. John wants to begin using e-mail.  Which of the following steps is NOT necessary for John to get started as an email user?
a. Request an e-mail account
b. Obtain necessary software from the e-mail provider and load it onto a computer
c. Learn to use a Web browser to explore the Internet
d. Learn how to access and use the e-mail provider’s services

*8. Three of the following statements about measurement in the research setting are accurate.  Which one is NOT accurate?
a. The purpose of measurement is to systematically limit the data in a way that makes it quantifiable.
b. Measurement is applied by researchers only to insubstantial phenomena.
c. Measurement is a tool that aids researchers in interpreting their observations.
d. Systematic measurement assists researchers in obtaining objectivity in their researcher.

*9. An ordinal scale of measurement:
a. assigns a name to a category.
b. is tied to an absolute zero.
c. incorporates equal units of measurement.
d. communicates greater than and less than relationships.

*10. An interval level of measurement:
a. assigns a name to a category.
b. communicates rank-order information.
c. incorporates equal units of measurement.
d. is tied to an absolute zero.

*11. A ratio scale of measurement:
a. assigns a name to a category.
b. communicates rank-order information.
c. is especially appropriate for opinion data.
d. is tied to an absolute zero.

**12. The main difference between an interval and a ratio scale is that only one of them:
a. includes an absolute zero.
b. uses equal units of measurement.
c. supports the use of statistical analyses.
d. is used in research with human subjects.
**13. Professor Harris is constructing a demographic questionnaire for use in a research project.  One question asks students to report how politically conservative they are.  It includes a 7-point scale where 1 is “not at all conservative” and 7 is “extremely conservative.”  This is an example of a/an:
a. nominal scale.
b. ordinal scale.
c. interval scale.
d. ratio scale.

**14. Professor Harris is constructing a demographic questionnaire for use in a research project.  One question asks students to report their highest level of education by choosing from these options: “some high school,” “completed high school,” “some college,” or “completed 4-year college degree.”  This is an example of a/an:
a. nominal scale.
b. ordinal scale.
c. interval scale.
d. ratio scale.

**15. Professor Harris is constructing a demographic questionnaire for use in a research project.  One question asks students to report their age in years.  This is an example of a/an:
a. nominal scale.
b. ordinal scale.
c. interval scale.
d. ratio scale.

**16. Professor Harris is constructing a demographic questionnaire for use in a research project.  One question asks students to report whether they are currently living in an “urban,” “suburban,” or “rural” setting.  This is an example of a/an:
a. nominal scale.
b. ordinal scale.
c. interval

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