Friday 3 February 2017

FIN 320 Week 5 Mid-Term Exam – Strayer

FIN 320 Week 5 Mid-Term Exam – Strayer

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Chapters 1 Through 8

Chapter 1: ___________________________________________________________________________
1. Financial assets represent _____ of total assets of U.S. households.

A. over 60%

B. over 90%

C. under 10%

D. about 30%

2. Real assets in the economy include all but which one of the following?

A. Land

B. Buildings

C. Consumer durables

D. Common stock

3. Net worth represents _____ of the liabilities and net worth of commercial banks.

A. about 51%

B. about 91%

C. about 11%

D. about 31%

4. According to the Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States, the largest single asset of U.S. households is ___.

A. mutual fund shares

B. real estate

C. pension reserves

D. corporate equity

5. According to the Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States, the largest liability of U.S. households is ________.

A. mortgages

B. consumer credit

C. bank loans

D. gambling debts

6. ____ is not a derivative security.

A. A share of common stock

B. A call option

C. A futures contract

D. None of these options (All of the answers are derivative securities.)

7. According to the Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States, the largest financial asset of U.S. households is ____.

A. mutual fund shares

B. corporate equity

C. pension reserves

D. personal trusts

8. Active trading in markets and competition among securities analysts helps ensure that:

I. Security prices approach informational efficiency
II. Riskier securities are priced to offer higher potential returns
III. Investors are unlikely to be able to consistently find under- or overvalued securities

A. I only

B. I and II only

C. II and III only

D. I, II, and III

9. The material wealth of society is determined by the economy's _________, which is a function of the economy's _________.

A. investment bankers; financial assets

B. investment bankers; real assets

C. productive capacity; financial assets

D. productive capacity; real assets

10. Which of the following is not a money market security?

A. U.S. Treasury bill

B. 6-month maturity certificate of deposit

C. Common stock

D. Bankers' acceptance

11. __________ assets generate net income to the economy, and __________ assets define allocation of income among investors.

A. Financial, financial

B. Financial, real

C. Real, financial

D. Real, real

12. Which of the following are financial assets?

I. Debt securities
II. Equity securities
III. Derivative securities

A. I only

B. I and II only

C. II and III only

D. I, II, and III

13. __________ are examples of financial intermediaries.

A. Commercial banks

B. Insurance companies

C. Investment companies

D. All of these options

14. Asset allocation refers to _________.

A. the allocation of the investment portfolio across broad asset classes

B. the analysis of the value of securities

C. the choice of specific assets within each asset class

D. none of these options

15. Which one of the following best describes the purpose of derivatives markets?

A. Transferring risk from one party to another

B. Investing for a short time period to earn a small rate of return

C. Investing for retirement

D. Earning interest income

16. More than _____________ of currency is traded each day in the market for foreign exchange.

A. $300 million

B. $1 billion

C. $30 billion

D. $1 trillion

17. Security selection refers to the ________.

A. allocation of the investment portfolio across broad asset classes

B. analysis of the value of securities

C. choice of specific securities within each asset class

D. top-down method of investing

18. Which of the following is an example of an agency problem?

A. Managers engage in empire building.

B. Managers protect their jobs by avoiding risky projects.

C. Managers over consume luxuries such as corporate jets.

D. All of these options are examples of agency problems.

19. _____ is a mechanism for mitigating potential agency problems.

A. Tying income of managers to success of the firm

B. Directors defending top management

C. Antitakeover strategies

D. The straight voting method of electing the board of directors

20. __________ is (are) real assets.

A. Bonds

B. Production equipment

C. Stocks

D. Commercial paper

21. __________ portfolio construction starts with selecting attractively priced securities.

A. Bottom-up

B. Top-down

C. Upside-down

D. Side-to-side

22. In a market economy, capital resources are primarily allocated by ____________.

A. governments

B. the SEC

C. financial markets

D. investment bankers

23. __________ represents an ownership share in a corporation.

A. A call option

B. Common stock

C. A fixed-income security

D. Preferred stock

24. The value of a derivative security _________.

A. depends on the value of another related security

B. affects the value of a related security

C. is unrelated to the value of a related security

D. can be integrated only by calculus professors

25. Commodity and derivative markets allow firms to adjust their _________.

A. management styles

B. focus from their main line of business to their investment portfolios

C. ways of doing business so that they'll always have positive returns

D. exposure to various business risks

26. __________ portfolio management calls for holding diversified portfolios without spending effort or resources attempting to improve investment performance through security analysis.

A. Active

B. Momentum

C. Passive

D. Market-timing

27. Financial markets allow for all but which one of the following?

A. Shift consumption through time from higher-income periods to lower

B. Price securities according to their riskiness

C. Channel funds from lenders of funds to borrowers of funds

D. Allow most participants to routinely earn high returns with low risk

28. Financial intermediaries exist because small investors cannot efficiently _________.

A. diversify their portfolios

B. gather information

C. monitor their portfolios

D. all of these options

29. Methods of encouraging managers to act in shareholders' best interest include:

I. Threat of takeover
II. Proxy fights for control of the board of directors
III. Tying managers' compensation to stock price performance

A. I only

B. I and II only

C. II and III only

D. I, II, and III

30. Firms that specialize in helping companies raise capital by selling securities to the public are called _________.

A. pension funds

B. investment banks

C. savings banks


31. In securities markets, there should be a risk-return trade-off with higher-risk assets having _________ expected returns than lower-risk assets.

A. higher

B. lower

C. the same

D. The answer cannot be determined from the information given.

32. When the market is more optimistic about a firm, its share price will ______; as a result, it will need to issue _______ shares to raise funds that are needed.

A. rise; fewer

B. fall; fewer

C. rise; more

D. fall; more

33. Security selection refers to _________.

A. choosing specific securities within each asset class

B. deciding how much to invest in each asset class

C. deciding how much to invest in the market portfolio versus the riskless asset

D. deciding how much to hedge

34. An example of a derivative security is _________.

A. a common share of General Motors

B. a call option on Intel stock

C. a Ford bond

D. a U.S. Treasury bond

35. __________ portfolio construction starts with asset allocation.

A. Bottom-up

B. Top-down

C. Upside-down

D. Side-to-side

36. Which one of the following firms falsely claimed to have a $4.8 billion bank account at Bank of America and vastly understated its debts, eventually resulting in the firm's bankruptcy?

A. WorldCom

B. Enron

C. Parmalat

D. Global Crossing

37. Debt securities promise:

I. A fixed stream of income
II. A stream of income that is determined according to a specific formula
III. A share in the profits of the issuing entity

A. I only

B. I or II only

C. I and III only

D. II or III only

38. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act tightened corporate governance rules by requiring all but which one of the following?

A. Required that corporations have more independent directors

B. Required that the CFO personally vouch for the corporation's financial statements

C. Required that firms could no longer employ investment bankers to sell securities to the public

D. Required the creation of a new board to oversee the auditing of public companies

39. The success of common stock investments depends on the success of _________.

A. derivative securities

B. fixed-income securities

C. the firm and its real assets

D. government methods of allocating capital

40. The historical average rate of return on large company stocks since 1926 has been _____.

A. 5%

B. 8%

C. 12%

D. 20%

41. The average rate of return on U.S. Treasury bills since 1926 was _________.

A. less than 1%

B. less than 3%

C. less than 4%

D. less than 7%

42. An example of a real asset is:

I. A college education
II. Customer goodwill
III. A patent

A. I only

B. II only

C. I and III only

D. I, II, and III

43. The 2002 law designed to improve corporate governance is titled the _____.

A. Pension Reform Act


C. Financial Services Modernization Act

D. Sarbanes-Oxley Act

44. Which of the following is not a financial intermediary?

A. a mutual fund

B. an insurance company

C. a real estate brokerage firm

D. a savings and loan company

45. The combined liabilitie

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